Oklahoma artist Matt Goad began his art career while working as a graphic designer and illustrator in the mid 90s. Woodblock printing and its hard edged graphic aesthetic helped inform his modern style which he would take into the realm of paintings in the 2000’s. Passionate about color, composition and telling a story, his geometric approach pulls viewers through a compositional narrative. His work is easily accessible to the public and enjoyed by many, young, old, and across cultural identities. 

“Since I was two years old, I knew that one day I would be an artist. Growing up the son of a preacher our family moved across the US, almost yearly, eventually landing in the desert southwest. This experience gave me a unique perspective of the diverse nature and cultures of America. My main set of friends then were ones I created in my drawing notebooks. With an encouraging family and some notable teachers my love of creating art developed into a passion. Commercial graphic design was a stepping stone and a valuable one in that it helped me hone in on the graphic bold style I would carry into my illustration and eventually my fine art. I am a lover of nature, history, music, and great stories and I try to incorporate elements of these, to varying degrees, into each piece I create.

Matt’s Website