Apply to Exhibit
The galleries of the Paseo Arts and Creativity Center (PACC) offer artists a unique opportunity to display and sell their artwork in a professional gallery located in the historic Paseo Arts District. The galleries at the PACC are booked by rental for month-long exhibitions once accepted by the PAA Exhibits Committee for group exhibitions or individual exhibitions or curated shows. This is open to artists of all experience levels, you do not need to be a member of the Paseo Arts Association to apply. Read more about how to apply below!
The PAA’s Exhibits Committee and Staff provide professional art installation, a gallery poster, press release/media coverage, artwork labels, social media graphic/post, sales management during regular gallery hours and an opening reception during the First Friday Gallery Walk.
2026 Individual/Group Exhibit Applications OPEN NOW - Due October 1, 2025
If you would like to apply for the 2025 Exhibits waitlist in case of a cancellation, click below!
To view a full list of booked 2025 exhibits, click HERE.
Gallery I, 25’ x 24’ x 17.5’
Starting at $350, 15-40 pieces depending on size
Gallery II, 38’ x 23’ x 11’
Starting at $350, 15-40 pieces depending on size
Gallery III, 10.5’ x 12’ x 7’
Capped at $120, 10-20 pieces depending on size
Gallery Rates
Read below for rental rates of our month long exhibits per gallery at the Paseo Arts and Creativity Center.
1 artist - $350
2 artists - $175 each
3 artists - $115 each
4 artists - $115 each
5 artists - $90 each
6 artists - $75 each
7 artists - $80 each
8 artists - $70 each
9 artists - $60 each
10 artists - $55 each
The Paseo Arts Association also has five annual juried shows that you can apply for! See current calls and upcoming juried shows below.