Kathy Wrigley discovered the joy of scratchboard many years ago and creates renderings of wildlife and domestic pets. Each animal takes on a personality, regal or funny, stunning, or quirky, focused or confused; Kathy’s art pulls the heart of her subject onto the scratchboard to give us a glimpse into the joy and beauty of creation. See more of her artwork at kathywrigleyart.com or commission a special piece of art for you or a loved one.
Kathy will be displaying two series of her scratchboard art, Humble Nobility and Unexpected Meetings. In the Humble Nobility series of etchings, I have tried to capture the nobility of a variety of animals. Each one has a story to tell, a life to live that can be soft and inviting or challenging but all done with ‘humble nobility’. Even domestic animals have this special character. Let them draw you into their world. The Unexpected Meeting series captures the detail and depth of each subject in realistic renderings. Then I release my imagination and allow them to meet in unlikely pairings.