Let August Be August…
Written by Page Finch
As the days of Oklahoma summer continue, let yourself enjoy our new cool exhibitions this month at the Paseo Arts and Creativity Center. August exhibits feature Nature…Nurture by Suzanne Henthorn and Cindy Mason in Gallery I, Tour de Quartz by the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute in Gallery II. These exhibits are on display from August 2 through 31, 2024.
Then, in Gallery III, there is the PACC Studio Artist Variety Show from August 2 through 17, and the Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition- OK State Fair from August 19 through 31. Come enjoy the opening receptions on August 2, during First Friday from 6-9 pm at 3024 Paseo!
Nature…Nurture Show Graphic
As visitors walk through the space of Gallery I, they can explore Nature…Nurture by Suzanne Henthorn and Cindy Mason. This exhibition focuses on the themes of nature and nurture, demonstrating how there is not an either/or, but rather, both influences that have the power to impact our lives.
Untitled by Cindy Mason
Untitled by Suzanne Henthorn
Cindy’s work demonstrates how nature can transform a moment of chaos into “peaceful beauty and majesty,” giving us the chance to breathe and letting our imagination run free. Mason’s process utilizes different formats and materials to make acrylics have the same aesthetic as charcoal, giving a soft, calming effect to those who observe.
Suzanne's work on the other hand, focuses on nurture and the inspiration of her mother and sisters. Not only is she inspired by the caregiving in her life, but through her process of sculpting, she also wants to nurture an idea and let it guide her to completion. Through her own stories, she wants her art to foster a belonging for people to see themselves through her sculptures.
Photo by Bryant Jasper
Next, guests are welcomed into Gallery II of Tour de Quartz by Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute. This gallery looks at the achievements of student artists from the 2024 Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute’s Photography Program, opening their eyes to the wondrous discoveries this world offers.
At the root of their work, students reflect on American authors Rebecca Solnit and Mary Oliver, both asking questions about the power of observation and whether we are actually seeing what's right in front of us.
Painting by Tham Evelyn
Throughout this program, students discovered how to use a camera, process film, and make a silver gelatin print in the darkroom, to gain experience about collaboration, trust, and risk-taking. They each made compelling images—some mysterious, some psychologically charged, but all very powerful.
Following after in Gallery III, guests can observe work from the PACC Studio Artist Variety Show from August 2 through 17, 2024. In this space, there is art by Vikki McGuire, Amy Jo Garner, Sherry Klechka, Terry Clark, Leslie Pace, Mary Grabow, Roger Garner, Alex Rivas & Debbie Flynn.
Works by Vikki McGuire
Vikki McGuire is a self taught artist who works in acrylic, oil, and pastel as individual subjects dictate.
Amy Jo Garner is a master of transformation, who works in hand and machine-sewn stitches onto unwanted textiles into the ideals of fantasy and imagination.
Sherry Klechka has a love for pottery, but also has a skill in mediums including acrylic, resin, and encaustic.
Watercolor by Terry Clark
Terry Clark uses transparent watercolor and brilliant acrylics for his ideal landscapes.
Leslie Pace has a passion for mixed media, with her practice evolving into works with alcohol ink and resin.
Mary Grabow’s work primarily in acrylic paints and water-mixable paints to produce paintings of landscapes, portraits, and still life.
Roger Gardner works with various mediums including oil, acrylic and watercolor drawing inspiration from places he has traveled and from photos he has taken over the years.
Alexandra Rivas is a contemporary oil painter and new media artist whose work focuses on themes of identity, relationships, and memory.
Debbie Flynn used graphite or pen and ink at a young age, but started her painting endeavor with oils in 2007. Her artistic style is contemporary realism using soft to bold colors to capture an expression or behavior of the animals she paints.
Artwork by Oklahoma public school students
Lastly, enjoy the last bit of summer with the Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition on display from August 19 through 30, 2024.
The Oklahoma Student Art Exhibition (OSAE) is a juried art show open to all Oklahoma students enrolled in a public or private school in grades Pre-K through 12. Participating schools submit student artwork and distinguished jurors examine each piece entered in the competition. Hundreds of pieces are judged in May and exhibited during the Oklahoma State Fair in September. Ten specially awarded pieces will be on the Paseo Arts & Creativity Center from August 19 through 30 before finishing its tour at the Oklahoma State Fair on September 12 through 22, 2024.
Photo of Paseo Arts & Creativity Center by Theresa Hultberg